Read Bisher Al-Khasawneh's resignation letter


Published: 2024-09-15 16:31

Last Updated: 2024-09-15 16:45

Bisher Al-Khasawneh
Bisher Al-Khasawneh

On Sunday, Bisher Al-Khasawneh submitted his government's resignation letter to His Majesty King Abdullah II.

“In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein, the beloved, may Allah glorify his reign and protect him,

Your Majesty,

As you know, you honored me nearly four years ago by appointing me to form and head the government. Before that, you graciously entrusted me with the honor of working alongside you at the Royal Hashemite Court as your advisor for policies, communication, and coordination for about two years. 

During this time, I witnessed firsthand your unwavering dedication to elevating our country and improving the lives and dignity of the Jordanian citizen. I observed your tireless efforts, working day and night to harness every opportunity and utilize the high regard you hold among our Arab brothers and globally. 

Your steadfast commitment to the highest human values and principles has brought benefits and prosperity to our beloved nation and its people, transforming challenges into opportunities despite the grave trials and monumental challenges our region faces. Your Highness, you are ably supported by your loyal Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II, whom Allah preserve.

When you entrusted me with the responsibility of forming and leading the government four years ago, Your Majesty, you took the unprecedented step of acknowledging in the letter of assignment that the formation of this government was in response to an exceptional circumstance unprecedented in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government worked diligently according to this directive, striving to translate the instructions into tangible actions and positive outcomes with the grace of Allah and your support. 

With your innate leadership, wisdom, and foresight, we were able to achieve numerous accomplishments. We managed to balance health measures against the COVID-19 pandemic by increasing hospital capacity by 300%, mitigating economic impacts through phased openings, and successfully extending the credit facility program with the International Monetary Fund. We were able to absorb the inflationary effects of the Russia-Ukraine crisis with your guidance and international credibility.

Under your wise leadership, Jordan has fortified its constitutional foundations and effectively addressed attempts to undermine them. 

The 19th Parliament elections, municipal elections, and decentralization elections were conducted on schedule. We were also honored by your trust in setting the initial executive programs for the economic modernization vision aimed at doubling the growth rate and creating one million jobs by 2033.

With your unwavering support and meticulous follow-up, the government has achieved solid economic and monetary resilience, as reflected in the improved credit ratings from international agencies "Moody's" and "Standard & Poor's" for the first time in nearly two decades. We succeeded in combating tax evasion, increasing public revenues without raising taxes, and raising our public revenue coverage to 90% of our expenditures, up from 80% four years ago. Our foreign currency reserves reached a historic high of $20 billion. 

In 2022 and 2023, we created approximately 89,000 and 95,500 job opportunities, respectively, mainly in the private sector, which is a true partner in our development process. These figures represent more than double the job opportunities created annually between 2010 and 2019.

We have also undertaken structural reforms in the energy sector, restructuring tariffs and redirecting savings to reduce energy costs for production sectors. We restructured water tariffs, managed wastage, and enforced laws and regulations. 

Our focus on improving the investment environment led to advanced legislation to encourage investment and foster competition between the public and private sectors. This includes updates to company laws, property ownership, and labor laws. Our progress is evident in the National Water Carrier project and the recent agreement with the UAE to build a railway linking Aqaba Port to phosphate and potash mining areas, signaling investor confidence in Jordan’s investment environment.

The government has also worked on important legislation in cybersecurity, personal data protection, and improving the work environment. We have implemented the first phase of the rapid bus service in Amman and between Amman and Zarqa. 

We have tackled delays in some investment projects through calculated interventions and revised legislation to prevent the imprisonment of debtors and gradually reduce penal protections on checks. We have maintained strategic reserves to ensure self-sufficiency for essential goods and are committed to ongoing reform.

Regarding the Palestinian cause, Jordan, under your inspired leadership, has consistently opposed the ongoing Israeli aggression against Gaza and the West Bank. Your principled, courageous, and decisive positions with influential nations and the international community have been crucial in shifting their stance and focusing on achieving a sustainable ceasefire and delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza. 

Your efforts to protect Islamic and Christian sanctities in Jerusalem, including your custodianship of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, are a testament to your dedication to justice and human values.

Our achievements are notable, including your personal involvement in humanitarian airlifts and the establishment of the third-largest humanitarian aid corridor in contemporary history. The international community must support this humanitarian effort and work towards a two-state solution, establishing a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, to ensure lasting peace and stability in the region.

In terms of public sector modernization, the government has developed a comprehensive plan for reform, aiming to improve public services, simplify procedures, and advance digital transformation. We have automated approximately 1,400 government services and established a digital transformation unit. We are committed to enhancing public sector efficiency, accountability, and competitive merit-based advancement, transitioning fully to competitive hiring by 2027.

We have also established comprehensive service centers in several governorates, with positive feedback on their quality and efficiency. The government has prioritized education reform, including updates to the national high school exam and vocational training programs to meet local and international market needs.

In the realm of political reform, new election and political party laws, along with necessary constitutional amendments, have been enacted to enhance the party system and political life in Jordan. The government has supported the Independent Election Commission in managing the 20th Parliament elections.

The government has also supported our armed forces and security agencies, following Your Majesty's directives to provide for their needs and those of retired military personnel.

Now that the 20th Parliament elections have concluded successfully and with absolute integrity, I, along with my ministerial colleagues, respectfully submit our resignation. We are grateful for your trust and guidance throughout our tenure and remain committed to serving Jordan under your exceptional leadership.

May Allah preserve Your Majesty, Her Majesty Queen Rania, and Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II, and may He keep Jordan a free, noble, and proud nation under your inspiring leadership.

Peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Bisher Hani Al-Khasawneh
Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024”